How to manage small projects at work early in your careerTLDR: Small projects are a great way to prove yourself. However you need to make them simple to manage with a light set of processes, as…Feb 5, 2022Feb 5, 2022
Why vaccines were easier to rollout than test and traceRobert Coville of the Times published his analysis of why the UK did so well on vaccines, but not test and trace. (Click Here). As it is…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
Why did the UK do so well on vaccines, and what does this tell us about Industrial Policy?COVID has generated many unanswered questions. One fun one was recently asked by Stian Westlake on Twitter.Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
Repeatability and Reproducibility in a Noisy WorldCedric Chin at Commonplace recently published a very interesting article on how to make better predictions. In it he breaks down a recent…Feb 6, 2021Feb 6, 2021
State Capacity is a terrible model for understanding COVID outcomesTyler Cowen has this idea of State Capacity Libertarianism. The ideology is a bit woolly, but is a mixture of market primacy with a strong…Jan 29, 2021Jan 29, 2021
What you will you learn in your INSEAD MBAWhen I was considering doing an MBA I often wondered what I was actually going to learn in the classroom.Jan 21, 20213Jan 21, 20213
Incentive problems in everyday lifeA couple of fun incentive situations that I have seen/been mentioned to me.Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Why I am joining ScortexI am writing this blog in December 2020 from INSEAD’s Singapore campus. In February I will be joining Scortex, a startup in Paris. I want…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Review of “What Money Can’t Buy — The Moral Limits of Markets” by Michael SandelSummary of ReviewJul 30, 2019Jul 30, 2019
Modern Monopolies a ReviewThis is a book review of Modern Monopolies by Alex Moazed and Nicholas L Johnson. The book was [purchased from the Amazon Kindle online…Apr 30, 2017Apr 30, 2017